DARK SPOTS in your beeswax honey frame? Backyard beekeeper 101.
http://www.mahakobees.com/blog. The dark spots can be many things, but more often than not, it will be pollen. It is often difficult to see as the bees cap the honey with a white beeswax capping. But if you shine light through the honey frame, you will see the spots. They are perfectly normal and are very good for you. In fact, they are very good for you in many ways. Unless you are allergic to honey and pollen, you should try and eat RAW honey in your diet as it helps prevent and in many cases cure hay fever by introducing your local flora into your body, therefore reducing hay fever symptoms when local trees and plants flower.It is not advisable to give children under two years of age raw honey or pollen. Seek medical advise prior, and seek medical help immediately should your child consume raw honey and show adverse reaction to it.
To learn more, we encourage you to take a look at our range of earlier videos and specifically a short closeup of the honey bee queen eggs and larvae (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-2E76XaDYk), or alternatively our playlist of CLOSEUPS which has many related and interesting videos (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfE6cWwwWKoiXEp4xSACAmvTHSrweW0nU)
BUT, if the art of beekeeping interests you, the best place is to visit our http://www.mahakobees.com/blog website for many instructional and HOWTO videos.
We invite you to subscribe, like, and share our content.
Have a relaxing day
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Music composed, performed and provided by Groovey - Adam Kubát a Pavel Křivák
You can visit their website on: http://www.groovey.cz/.