In this video, we take a very close look at the Flow Hive Flow Frame. During the review, it falls apart on us, not totally unexpected, but it is really annoying when it does happen, so we can think of better ways to spend our beekeeping time. In any case, the close up shots will show you the detailed workings of the Flowhive frame, both assembled and completely pulled apart. The honey harvesting process is rather simple using the flow hive frames, but there will be many questions on the longevity of the frames themselves as well as the number of repeated honey extractions beekeepers can expect to successfully complete before having to pull the flow frames apart and trying to clean them. Only time will tell. It certainly is not much fun putting the flow hive frames together and the tensioning process using the provided wires was a bit cumbersome. To put the flow frames together, we found using large rubber bands very useful, especially after they fell apart for the third time just as you are trying to tension the wires. Most useful is a beekeeping partner if you can find one. Having four beekeeping hands was the way to go.
Hope you enjoy this video, and if you have learned something or found them useful, we invite you to subscribe so we can continue producing more beekeeping 101 videos. Thumbs up and share.
Happy Beekeeping
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HOT knife vs HEAT gun? The WINNER IS? Here, we study the claim that a heat gun is faster and generally better for uncapping raw honey frames. Take a look and you be the judge!
There are many ways you can extract a fresh fully capped honey frame. Generally, most smaller home based or hobby beekeepers will uncap their honey frames using a HOT knife (see our tempting closeup Beekeepers Hot Knife Uncapping Video -, Serrated Kitchen knife, or the Beekeeping Uncapping Fork. This is sufficient for beekeepers with 1 to possibly 50 beehives. It may get too time consuming to use these methods beyond this number of hives and automation may be a wise choice with semi or fully automated spinning uncapping blades or wires.
There is however, yet another method that has been revealed on numerous other beekeeping YouTube videos and beekeeping websites. This involves the use of a HEAT gun. So, we thought we would give it a try, bought ourselves a ROK Heat Gun and recorded the process and results of this experiment. Our part 1 video examines the results one could expect by using this HEAT gun method, and we compare the results with the more traditional beekeepers HOT knife method. We explain both in detail so you can make your own opinion, and hopefully try and test them yourself following our easy instructions. Both are a valid method, both have their unique benefits and disadvantages and both may suit you depending on your specific application and situation.
In part 2, we will review the results in more detail - post honey extraction. Make sure you don’t miss it. We hope you find our videos valuable enough to share with your family, friends, colleagues and beekeeping associations, subscribe and if you would like to let us know how we are doing, please press the thumbs up or down accordingly. Your feedback is very important to us and we appreciate your time.
BEE nice and have a great beekeeping weekend!
Music composed, performed and provided by Groovey - Adam Kubát a Pavel Křivák. You can visit their website on:
Also, a big thank you goes to Train Robbin'Scoundrels for providing “their royalty free music "Murrow’s Boys”. We appreciate your kind contribution. PRACTICAL review of the #FLOW HIVE ™. This video is very different to most other videos about the Flow hive.
We take a practical approach to this review, and ask questions. Important beekeeping questions, which no doubt every #beekeeper that is interested in beekeeping also has on their mind. Will this flow hive perform as advertised? Is this new #beehive really going to revolutionize the #beekeeping industry? Is it suitable for new beekeepers and families as suggested by the Flow Hive team? Will new beekeepers have success with the flow frames and is this beehive as good as the inventors and #FlowHive manufactures claim? The quality of materials used, the honey harvest speed, the hygienic concerns during the flow hive honey harvest, Is it food grade? Will Small Hive beetles (SHB), wax moth, varroa, mites, and other pests be an issue? Will it withstand propolization and wax build up? And is the very high cost worth the investment?
Many legitimate questions that need to be answered. We recommend you take a look at the Bee Vlog beekeeping video ( which reviews the Flow Hive beehive with the bees well being when overwintering and points out other considerations beekeepers need to keep in mind when considering purchasing and using this beehive in their apiary. It may save your honey #bee colonies! We present no conclusions and are open minded. We hope the beekeeping community can comment below on their experience with the flow frames and that beekeepers from all corners of the world can discuss this product with their apiary location and specific beekeeping goals in mind.
We believe this to be an amazing invention that has the potential to be very beneficial once all concerns and issues raised by thousands of experienced beekeepers around the world are addressed. As with any new product, we hope this beehive continues to evolve and improve with each new version. Thank you Flow Hive ™ for thinking outside the square, and bringing the Flow frames to life. We wish you all the best and hope this product will be beneficial to all bee colonies and beekeepers alike.
If you enjoy our videos, we invite you to click the thumbs up (or down if that is how you feel), subscribe, and share our beekeeping videos. Your comments and feedback are most welcome. Happy beekeeping everyone!
This video is very different to most other videos about the Flow hive. We take a practical approach to this review, and ask questions. Important beekeeping questions, which no doubt every beekeeper that is interested in beekeeping also has on their mind. Will this flow hive perform as advertised? Is this new beehive really going to revolutionize the beekeeping industry? Is it suitable for new beekeepers and families as suggested by the Flow Hive team? Will new beekeepers have success with the flow frames and is this beehive as good as the inventors and Flow Hive manufactures claim? The quality of materials used, the honey harvest speed, the hygienic concerns during the flow hive honey harvest, Is it food grade? Will Small Hive beetles (SHB), wax moth, varroa, mites, and other pests be an issue? Will it withstand propolization and wax build up? And is the very high cost worth the investment?
Many legitimate questions that need to be answered. We recommend you take a look at the Bee Vlog beekeeping video ( which reviews the Flow Hive beehive with the bees well being when overwintering and points out other considerations beekeepers need to keep in mind when considering purchasing and using this beehive in their apiary. It may save your honey bee colonies!
We present no conclusions and are open minded. We hope the beekeeping community can comment below on their experience with the flow frames and that beekeepers from all corners of the world can discuss this product with their apiary location and specific beekeeping goals in mind. We believe this to be an amazing invention that has the potential to be very beneficial once all concerns and issues raised by thousands of experienced beekeepers around the world are addressed. As with any new product, we hope this beehive continues to evolve and improve with each new version.
Thank you Flow Hive (tm) for thinking outside the square, and bringing the Flow frames to life. We wish you all the best and hope this product will be beneficial to all bee colonies and beekeepers alike.
If you enjoy our videos, we invite you to click the thumbs up (or down if that is how you feel), subscribe, and share our beekeeping videos. Your comments and feedback are most welcome.
How do bees do it? The honeycombs in which they store their amber nectar are marvels of precision engineering, an array of prism-shaped…
mahakobees’s insight:
We would like to share this article about hexagons and why the bees prefer it for building their beeswax honeycomb. Honey bees are amazing creatures and their ability to build a very precise beeswax foundation with such accuracy, considering the beehive is completely dark inside, is nothing short of amazing. It takes complex team work with many thousands of bees involved over different stages of their lives and roles they play within it to create the hexagonal beeswax honeycomb. The hexagonal comb structure provides a place to raise their young bees, store honey and pollen. It is critical for the success of a bee colony. Visit our Beekeeping Youtube video channel to learn more: or visit our website if you are interested in becoming a beekeeper
Go with the flow - #FLOW HIVE is finally here! Take a look at our pictures of this close up inspection. The Flow hive beekeeping video review will be uploaded shortly. So bee sure to visit us on YouTube: What about you? Did you invest into this revolutionary Flow hive #beehive? Have you seen the Flow Hive? Have you used the Flow hive? What are your thoughts? We are keen discuss all the pros and cons. Is it a winner or do you have concerns. We will discuss in our practical Flow Hive review video. Happy #Beekeeping!
Go with the flow - #FLOW HIVE is finally here! Take a look at our Flow Hive photos taken during our close up inspection. The Flow hive beekeeping video review will be uploaded shortly. So bee sure to visit us on YouTube: What about you? Did you invest into this revolutionary Flow hive#beehive? Have you seen the Flow Hive? Have you used the Flow hive? What are your thoughts? We are keen discuss all the pros and cons. Is it a winner or do you have concerns. We will discuss in our practical Flow Hive review video. Happy #Beekeeping!
Dear beekeeping enthusiasts and fellow beekeepers. Here is the much awaited DIY Homemade electric four frame beekeeping honey extractor in ACTION. Visit our beekeeping supplies store if you need any beekeeping equipment or an extractor.
This honey extractor is of a very heavy duty build. We are surprised at how well it help up during our test honey extraction of about 50 honey frames. The honey was fully capped and the room temperature was approximately 27 degrees Celsius (80.6 F), so the honey was removed from the honeycomb frames with little effort. Most beekeepers contemplate building their own DIY home made extractor, and this one is truly a rock solid honey spinner. It barely moved as the belt drive increased the speed. It suits four frames, of any size. In this beekeeping 101 video, we used the IDEAL sized honey frames, but the electric #extractor with a speed controller can easily accommodate any size. The honey gate at the bottom of the food grade plastic extractor drum makes it easy to slide a #honey pale or bucket directly underneath. We used a course honey strainer or a sieve to remove any larger pieces of beeswax that may have fallen into the freshly extracted raw honey.
It was not very safe, with electric speed controller and wires exposed, and the belt drive that used a washing machine motor with a fly wheel is also rather dangerous. But, it works. Hopefully, you can get some inspiration from this video, and perhaps give building a four frame honey extractor in your own beekeeping shop.
If you enjoy our videos, we invite you to subscribe and join the growing fleet of beekeepers across the world. Bees are very important to our way of life, and all beekeepers need your support. We appreciate you sharing our content with others and your time.
Enjoy your #beekeeping… and the healthy raw honey! MahakoBees
DRONE sentenced to death by #Drone Eviction. Unique bee behavior. See the worker bee chew on her brothers wings and evict him from the HIVE. Our blog has many interesting #beekeeping videos and articles. Come and check it out and help our #beekeepers save our #bees which are currently under great threat from pesticides, pests, viruses and colony collapse disorder! Once thee bees go, we will struggle to feed ourselves.
This video was a lucky take, as it shows a closeup of the bee hive entrance as the worker bee evicts her brother the drone from their colony. It is winter here, and the bees are still evicting their drones mercilessly. As the queen bee reduces her egg laying activities, the worker bees forcefully push the drones out of the bee hive.
The male drones don’t have a stinger and as such, are powerless against the worker bees (their loving sisters) even though they are 30 percent larger in mass. Only a few will remain in the hive as a precautionary backup plan should the queen fail to continue to lay eggs for any reason. The worker bees would kick off the supersedure process and immediately begin nursing an egg into a new queen. Several of them at a time in fact and the first one would typically kill the others before they hatch by stinging the queen cell with her stinger. Only the queen can sting repeatedly without loosing her venom sack. The queen stinger lacks the return hooks and is more like a wasp stinger. the Queen stings rarely though otherwise.
So, as this video shows, beekeeping is a very interesting hobby. Should you be considering joining the beekeeping industry, come and visit our blog for more information as to what beekeeping entails, what to expect, helpful information on how and why to get started and visit our store for useful books, tools of the trade, even the hives and all things related to beekeeping -
We invite you to subscribe to our channel and appreciate all thumbs up.
Bee good
Beekeeping is a fun hobby. You get to learn about the #bees, food cycle, #Pollen, #Honey, #beeswax and all things related to #beekeeping industry such as the different beehives, beekeepers tools and different methods for keeping bees, maintaining bees and managing various parasites and bee related illnesses. If you are successful though, you get to share in the spoils of the honey bee. Once the beehive and the bee colony living within it grows to strong and healthy size, they will start to to produce more honey than they can consume. In late spring to early autumn usually. At these times, you get to harvest a few frames per hive and extract the liquid gold that has been gathered by the bees and capped over with a thin layer of perfectly white beeswax capping.
Once you rob a beehive of its fresh honey frames full of raw honeycomb, you need to extract the honey. There are many tools and methods you can choose to achieve this. If you are only a small backyard beekeeper, you will most likely not have at your disposal a honey extractor or a spinner, and nor would you need one either. You can use a simple crush and strain method which is simple to do and very cheap to make the equipment for. Although this is a more labor intensive method, and will also completely destroy the honeycomb foundation, you can easily extract 20-50 honey frames in this fashion and also recover enough beeswax a few raw beeswax candles as well. In our video, we give you a few tips on how to extract honey using the crush and strain method. We also take a close up look at the fresh raw honey we extracted and reveal some of the health benefits of honey, propolis, and beeswax. Enjoy the video, thumbs up and share. To support our channel, we invite you to subscribe. Every vote counts, and we would be happy to have you along for our beekeeping journey.
Thank you for visiting our beekeeping YouTube channel
This beekeeping 101 video looks at a DIY homemade four frame honey extractor that can accommodate any honey frame sizes. From ideal honey frames to full depth frames. It has a built in speed controller, and is mostly made out of washing machine parts. It is belt driven, has a large food grade bucket with a standard beekeepers honey gate at the bottom of the extracting barrel. The stand is very heavy duty, and holds up very well even if the honey frames are uneven in size or weight. Extracting honey can be difficult without a fully automated and motorized honey extractor, and we found this one in a garage sale for a couple of hundred dollars. We did not build this extractor, but if you have, and are watching our videos, let us know and we will be happy to mention your name or link to you beekeeping website.
Hope you enjoy this short video. We will follow up with another video so you can see this four frame stainless steel motorized homemade beekeepers honey extractor in action, or also often referred to as a honey frame spinner.
Thanks for visiting our Beekeeping 101 video channel, and we invite you to subscribe and share our content to show your support.
Our #honey extraction videos have been skillfully remastered into a short #honey extraction clip by the team at Business Insider and published. Check it out!
Dear beekeeping enthusiasts and fellow beekeepers. Here is the much awaited beekeeping honey extractor in ACTION. Visit our beekeeping supplies store if you need any beekeeping equipment or an extractor.
This honey extractor is of a very heavy duty build. We are surprised at how well it help up during our test honey extraction of about 50 honey frames. The honey was fully capped and the room temperature was approximately 27 degrees Celsius, so the honey was removed from the honeycomb frames with little effort. Most beekeepers contemplate building their own DIY home made extractor, and this one is truly a rock solid honey spinner. It barely moved as the belt drive increased the speed. It suits four frames, of any size. In this beekeeping 101 video, we used the IDEAL sized honey frames, but the electric extractor with a speed controller can easily accommodate any size. The honey gate at the bottom of the food grade plastic extractor drum makes it easy to slide a honey pale or bucket directly underneath. We used a course honey strainer or a sieve to remove any larger pieces of beeswax that may have fallen into the freshly extracted raw honey.
All in all, we were impressed with how well this homemade DIY honey extractor worked. It was not very safe, with electric speed controller and wires exposed, and the belt drive that used a washing machine motor with a fly wheel is also rather dangerous. But, it works. Hopefully, you can get some inspiration from this video, and perhaps give building a four frame honey extractor in your own beekeeping shop.
If you enjoy our videos, we invite you to subscribe and join the growing fleet of beekeepers across the world. Bees are very important to our way of life, and all beekeepers need your support. We appreciate you sharing our content with others and your time.
Enjoy your beekeeping… and the healthy raw honey!
Dear beekeeping enthusiasts and fellow beekeepers. Here is the much awaited beekeeping honey extractor in ACTION. Visit our beekeeping supplies store if you need any beekeeping equipment or an extractor.
This honey extractor is of a very heavy duty build. We are surprised at how well it help up during our test honey extraction of about 50 honey frames. The honey was fully capped and the room temperature was approximately 27 degrees Celsius, so the honey was removed from the honeycomb frames with little effort. Most beekeepers contemplate building their own DIY home made extractor, and this one is truly a rock solid honey spinner. It barely moved as the belt drive increased the speed. It suits four frames, of any size. In this beekeeping 101 video, we used the IDEAL sized honey frames, but the electric extractor with a speed controller can easily accommodate any size. The honey gate at the bottom of the food grade plastic extractor drum makes it easy to slide a honey pale or bucket directly underneath. We used a course honey strainer or a sieve to remove any larger pieces of beeswax that may have fallen into the freshly extracted raw honey.
All in all, we were impressed with how well this homemade DIY honey extractor worked. It was not very safe, with electric speed controller and wires exposed, and the belt drive that used a washing machine motor with a fly wheel is also rather dangerous. But, it works. Hopefully, you can get some inspiration from this video, and perhaps give building a four frame honey extractor in your own beekeeping shop.
If you enjoy our videos, we invite you to subscribe and join the growing fleet of beekeepers across the world. Bees are very important to our way of life, and all beekeepers need your support. We appreciate you sharing our content with others and your time. Enjoy your beekeeping... and the healthy raw honey! MahakoBees